duminică, 29 septembrie 2013

Cards for the week September 31-october 4

The First card is Speak your truth-Saint Bernadette-MONDAY
The Second card is Sleep-Guardian Angel-TUESDAY
The Third card is Optimism-Guardian Angel-WEDNESDAY
The Forth card is Pause-Guardian Angel-THURSDAY
The fifth card is Steady Progress-Saint Therese of Lisieux-FRIDAY

So this is going to be a great week, with many oportunities and blessed moments. We have to listen to our intuition and speak the truth no mather what, even if others may think different . We have to get adecvate sleep because we all know that sleep is a very important factor in our lifes and to be always with our smile on our face. When we feel that we cannot do something always call the angels and Jesus for guidance and support. On friday we make progess, something is improving and is growing very nice.  So a week full of blessings and love from our angels.
Angel blessings everyone!

sâmbătă, 28 septembrie 2013

Card for today 28.09.2013

The message for today is all about playing, so take your time and play- as for do this your body fills with light and joy and your health and feelings become one with the divine.

Music for you

Saint Therese of Lisieux

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (January 2, 1873 – September 30, 1897), or Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, O.C.D., was a French Discalced Carmelite nun. She is popularly known as "The Little Flower of Jesus" or simply, "The Little Flower".

Thérèse has been a highly influential model of sanctity for Roman Catholics and for others because of the "simplicity and practicality of her approach to the spiritual life." Together with St. Francis of Assisi, she is one of the most popular saints in the history of the church.[1][2][3] Pope Pius X called her "the greatest saint of modern times."[4]
Therese felt an early call to religious life, and overcoming various obstacles, in 1888 at the early age of 15, she became a nun and joined two of her elder sisters in the cloistered Carmelite community of Lisieux, Normandy. After nine years as a Carmelite religious, having fulfilled various offices such as sacristan and assistant to the novice mistress, and having spent her last eighteen months in Carmel in a night of faith, she died of tuberculosis at the age of 24.

All her life St. Thérèse suffered from illness. As a young girl she underwent a three-month malady characterized by violent crises, extended delirium and prolonged fainting spells. Afterwards she was ever frail and yet she worked hard in the laundry and refectory of the convent. Psychologically, she endured prolonged periods of darkness when the light of faith seemed all but extinguished. The last year of her life she slowly wasted away from tuberculosis. And yet shortly before her death on September 30 she murmured, "I would not suffer less."
Truly she was a valiant woman who did not whimper about her illnesses and anxieties. Here was a person who saw the power of love, that divine alchemy which can change everything, including weakness and illness, into service and redemptive power for others. Is it any wonder that she is patroness of the missions? Who else but those who embrace suffering with their love really convert the world?

My whole strength lies in prayer and sacrifice, these are my invincible arms; they can move hearts far better than words, I know it by experience.
Story of A Soul, Chapter X
I have not the courage to force myself to seek beautiful prayers in books; not knowing which to choose I act as children do who cannot read; I say quite simply to the good God what I want to tell Him, and He always understands me.
Story of A Soul, Chapter X

joi, 26 septembrie 2013

Eu cred...

Thursday Music


Card for today 26.09.2013

St. Mother Teresa lived as an example of how much good work one individual could do. She was born in 1910 in Albania under the birth name Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. She became a nun at age 18 and took the name Teresa out of respect for St. Therese of Lisieux. When she was 36 years old, Teresa received a Divine calling to "serve God amongst the poorest of poor." Within two years, she began a ministry for the impoverished people of Calcutta, India.
She and her sister nuns cared for the starving and dying citizens. Today, more than 500 missions and centers worldwide carry on the legacy of her words: "Faith in action is love, and love in action is service. By transforming that faith into living acts of love, we put ourselves in contact with God Himself, with Jesus our Lord."

miercuri, 25 septembrie 2013

Card for today 25.09.2013

Hi all!

Today's card speaks of a miracle. Jesus himself is a miracle for us and for the world. Today I had to do something new for me and He was with me. Jesus, Archangel Michael,Archangel Gabriel and The Blessed Holy Mother Mary, and to my grandfather that I now he proctects me for Heaven. I could fell them next to me helping me and relaxing me. I want to thank you so much for your wonderful intervention for protecting me and for guiding me.
Thank you Holy Mother of mine for protecting me and for giving me the courage and the confidence that I need in my job.
I could never thank you enough. I love you you are the best friend and protectors a person can have.

sâmbătă, 21 septembrie 2013

Card for today-21.09.2013

“You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and the process and do not give up.”
Message from Aeracura: “In many ways, you are like a flower bud who is ripe and ready to open and grow.  Don’t try to rush this process, as it’s part of your beautiful path.  Enjoy learning new knowledge and skills.  Take your time to gather new ideas.  Nurture your body with plenty of fresh air, sunshine, water, and healthful food.  Soon enough, you’ll get the unmistakable signal that it’s time to put your learning into action.  Spend time among flowers, or work with flower essences and oils to support your growth process.”
Various meanings of this card:  Slow down • Have patience • Get involved with gardening • Use aromatherapy and/or flower essences • Keep the faith.
About Aeracura: Aeracura is a Celtic and Germanic goddess who multitasks as an Earth Mother deity, a fairy queen, and also a bridge between earthly life and the hereafter.  She helps us put our goals and challenges into perspective so that we don’t needlessly stress ourselves.  Call upon her for emergency money or help in manifesting supply.  She’s especially fond of assisting artists and inventors.
- See more at: http://www.freeangelcardreadingsonline.com/2012/aeracura/#sthash.SxsDbhrw.dpuf
“You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and the process and do not give up.”
Message from Aeracura: “In many ways, you are like a flower bud who is ripe and ready to open and grow.  Don’t try to rush this process, as it’s part of your beautiful path.  Enjoy learning new knowledge and skills.  Take your time to gather new ideas.  Nurture your body with plenty of fresh air, sunshine, water, and healthful food.  Soon enough, you’ll get the unmistakable signal that it’s time to put your learning into action.  Spend time among flowers, or work with flower essences and oils to support your growth process.”
Various meanings of this card:  Slow down • Have patience • Get involved with gardening • Use aromatherapy and/or flower essences • Keep the faith.
About Aeracura: Aeracura is a Celtic and Germanic goddess who multitasks as an Earth Mother deity, a fairy queen, and also a bridge between earthly life and the hereafter.  She helps us put our goals and challenges into perspective so that we don’t needlessly stress ourselves.  Call upon her for emergency money or help in manifesting supply.  She’s especially fond of assisting artists and inventors.
- See more at: http://www.freeangelcardreadingsonline.com/2012/aeracura/#sthash.SxsDbhrw.dpuf
“You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and the process and do not give up.”
Message from Aeracura: “In many ways, you are like a flower bud who is ripe and ready to open and grow.  Don’t try to rush this process, as it’s part of your beautiful path.  Enjoy learning new knowledge and skills.  Take your time to gather new ideas.  Nurture your body with plenty of fresh air, sunshine, water, and healthful food.  Soon enough, you’ll get the unmistakable signal that it’s time to put your learning into action.  Spend time among flowers, or work with flower essences and oils to support your growth process.”
Various meanings of this card:  Slow down • Have patience • Get involved with gardening • Use aromatherapy and/or flower essences • Keep the faith.
About Aeracura: Aeracura is a Celtic and Germanic goddess who multitasks as an Earth Mother deity, a fairy queen, and also a bridge between earthly life and the hereafter.  She helps us put our goals and challenges into perspective so that we don’t needlessly stress ourselves.  Call upon her for emergency money or help in manifesting supply.  She’s especially fond of assisting artists and inventors.
- See more at: http://www.freeangelcardreadingsonline.com/2012/aeracura/#sthash.SxsDbhrw.dpuf

Dream interpretation

Last night I had a very strange dream, I was lost in some kind of cave there wore gates of iron everywere I tried to escape. Then I saw a child like 2-3 years old looking straight at me  from under some stairs in the same cave were I was. He looked more mature than he was aged and had  a superiority air. Then someone- a woman said this is the sign that you expected and then I followed that child and I was moving up the stairs.When I was up there was no child and I was free.
And so I pulled some cards for this dream.
The cards are - Vanessa, Serephina and Omega.

So this dream was telling me that I should follow my divine intuition and make the right decision, the best I can for my own benefit nd for those arround me. The second card is telling me that it will be a change in my family or something regarding my family- Can't wait to see what is that about. And the third card is Victory  yeeyy something that I wish for is coming true.
Thank you my dear angels for your guidance and support.
I wish you all the best and angel blessings to you my reader!
Have a wonderful blessed weekend!

vineri, 13 septembrie 2013

Card for today 13.09.2013

Our card for today is taken from the Mary Queen of Angels Oracle Cards – Jesus – “I pray for Jesus’s help and guidance with this situation.”
Jesus is one of humanity’s greatest teachers and He came to us to show us how to live in this world but not get caught up in all the distractions this world has to offer. He taught us how to love our fellow man, regardless of race, color, culture, social status, power, wealth, religion, or any of the other reasons that have been the cause of our separation for eons of time. He came to teach us that we are all brothers and sisters in God’s love. He came to show us what it means to be a child of God, that we are never separated from God’s love no matter what we think we have done that would keep us from that love. Jesus was the embodiment of God’s love for us, each and every one of us. So when we find ourselves in difficult situations we can always call on Jesus to help us. Often when faced with a difficult situation I will ask myself “what would Jesus do in this situation?”

miercuri, 11 septembrie 2013

Card for today 11.09.2013

You've received this card because there's an important feeling that you've been trying to ignore.  Yet try as you might to push it aside, this feeling urges you to be honest with yourself.  Archangel Michael says that facing this truth will be healing, and it will give you the direction and guidance you seek. 
You've tried to disregard your inner urging because you're worried about making life changes.  Archangel Michael reassures you that he's guiding you and making sure that your needs are met and your relationships stay healthy.
Possible specific meanings:  Heal or leave an unhealthy situation*  Don't compromise*  Face your fears*  Hold loving thoughts about yourself and this situation

I appreciate your support in helping me face my feelings with grace and acceptance so that I can be lovingly honest with myself and others.  Thank you, Archangel Michael, for giving me courage and strength.

sâmbătă, 7 septembrie 2013

Card for today-07.08.2013

You are good at helping, counseling and healing children. Use your skills to help children now."

Damara is a Celtic fertility goddess whose name means 'gentle'. She helps to bring peace and harmony to families and households. She helps children maintain their youthful innocence and faith. Damara is happy to guide you with respect to the best way to help children - yours or someone else's. Children are angels sent from God. Today, spend time with or have a heart-to-heart talk with your children. You could also get into a career involved with helping kids. Volunteer with young people. Know that if you have been wanting a child, you'll get one soon. Take care of your own inner child through play and laughter. The laughter of children has healing powers. It can make you forget your own problems and worries. Joining children will help you see the world through their innocent eyes. Lead these young souls who can benefit from you.

Pomenirea minunii Sfantului Arhanghel Mihail in Colose

In cursul anului bisericesc avem parte de mai multe sarbatori inchinate Sfintilor Arhangheli. Pe 6 septembrie facem pomenirea unei minuni a Sfantului Arhanghel Mihail, savarsita in Chones, in Colose, din Frigia. Mai avem soboarele praznuite pe 26 martie, 13 iulie si Soborul Sfintilor Arhangheli Mihail si Gavriil de pe 8 noiembrie, o sarbatoare pe care Biserica o dedica ingerilor.

Revenind la sarbatoarea de pe 6 septembrie, mentionam ca potrivit unei traditii, Sfantul Apostol Ioan insotit de Filip a predicat Evanghelia la Heretop, aproape de cetatea Colose. El a privit catre acest loc si a prorocit ca din el va tasni un izvor cu ape vindecatoare si ca va fi cercetat de Sfantul Arhanghel Mihail. La putin timp prorocia s-a implinit, iar la el veneau din toate partile persoane pentru a primi vindecare de diverse boli. Unui pagan din Laodiceea i s-a aratat Sfantul Mihail si i-a spus sa-si ia fiica lipsita de puterea de a vorbi si sa vina la acel izvor pentru a primi vindecare. Dupa ce fata a baut din acea apa, a inceput sa vorbeasca. Tatal fetei, in semn de recunostinta a zidit acolo o biseria inchinata Arhanghelului Mihail. In cursul anului bisericesc avem parte de mai multe sarbatori inchinate Sfintilor Arhangheli. Pe 6 septembrie facem pomenirea unei minuni a Sfantului Arhanghel Mihail, savarsita in Chones, in Colose, din Frigia. Mai avem soboarele praznuite pe 26 martie, 13 iulie si Soborul Sfintilor Arhangheli Mihail si Gavriil de pe 8 noiembrie, o sarbatoare pe care Biserica o dedica ingerilor.


vineri, 6 septembrie 2013

Happy Friday!

Yeyy today is friday and the weekend begins. To celebrate I invide you to take a walk in nature under the warm sun and breath deeply. You can listen to your favorite music and relax, try to forget all the stressful things and free your mind. Call Archangel Michael to lift your energies and to free your mind from fear ad sress. Call the angels of nature to walk with you as you leave these stressful situations and regain confidence in yourself.

joi, 5 septembrie 2013

How to Develop Your Clairvoyant Abilities with Dreams

Have you ever had the ability to dream ~ as a child, a teen or an adult?

If so, Congratulations, you have clairvoyant abilities!
Dreaming is the #1 way that many people receive information from their angels, spirit guides and deceased loved ones. If fact, when I ‘shut off’ my own spiritual abilities during my teenage years, I still had the ability to connect with spirit and maintained a very active dream life. Dreams are often the naturally preferred method of spirit contact– as most of us are already open to dreaming and not afraid of our own dreams – especially when they bring realizations, insight, and epiphanies…
Since we are already open to dreaming, developing clairvoyant and intuitive abilities in the dream state can enhance, fine tune, and heighten your connection to yourself and to spirit . . . simply by beginning to pay attention to your dreams!

Pay Attention to Symbols and Metaphors

Dreams often include symbolism and metaphors, and it’s easy to dispel this information as invaluable – but it is! Each of us has a symbolic and magical way of interpretation for the world, that is in the space beyond the words, and lies in our subconscious and within the consciousness’ of the Universe. During our dream state, we have full access to our own personal magic, and our wonderful intuitive clairvoyant abilities, which we can use to interpret the world.
dreamsThe key to unlocking YOUR dreams is to pay attention to the symbols and metaphors. While consulting a dream book is often helpful, it is more important to begin to notice when these images appear in your dreams and then, align those images, symbols, and metaphors, with what is happening in your life. Since spirit often communicates with us most strongly in crisis or when we are facing a transition, it is important to begin to notice dreams even in times when you feel unsettled and confused – as the most important information may be coming to you in those times. As you begin to keep track of recurring symbols and metaphors, what was once a useless symbol, is now an indicator or insight of a present situation or perhaps, a fair warning of something that could happen in the future!
Paying attention to symbols and metaphors can not only provide you with deep insight of your current situation, but also, help you develop a method of dreaming called ‘precognition’. Precognition is the ability to perceive things in your dreams that will occur in the future.

Begin to Journal and Record Your Dreams

When you start paying attention to your dreams (and your clairvoyant intuition!), the spirit world begins to pay attention, too. Angels, spirit guides and deceased loved ones often provide you with guidance, powerful information, and even occasional visits in dreams! When you begin to open the door to receptivity in the dream state, the spirit world will often begin to provide you with even more frequency and clarity.
The best way to pay attention to your dreams is to record them immediately upon waking – before getting up, making breakfast, or even using the bathroom! Once you leave the bed, it’s very easy to forget the images from the previous night, and you may begin loose the information all together as you shift gears into the new day. While you can interpret dreams upon waking and hash them out with friends, loved ones, and family members – it is very hard to take note of patterns without a record of your dreams over time. For example, if you keep seeing yourself dying in a dream, but you’ve seen this same symbol during several other periods of your life, it might be hard to know what this symbol (death) may mean for you in the context of your life. Thus, recording the details of the dream AND your current life challenges and circumstances, is the best method of learning your personal metaphors and symbols.
I suggest a journal that is specifically for dreams and the information you receive in dreams. Often times, dream sequences can take place over several nights of sleep, so even if it doesn’t make sense that morning, give the images and the information time to unfold. Don’t feel like writing anything down at 6:30am? How about typing up something on the computer and emailing it to yourself? Or try using a voice recorder? Try out a few of these methods of dream recording and find the best method for you!

Set the Intention to Dream

Often times, if we want something to occur, all we have to do is set the intention, and allow it to unfold. This is often the case with dreams. Are you in a tough situation and want guidance to come to you in your dreams? Simply say “I am open and willing to receive guidance and wisdom in my dream state, readily available to me from my higher self, guides, angels, and loved ones”.
Even if you don’t remember having a dream come morning, but have more clarity and a better understanding of your situation the following morning, you likely received information while in your sleep state.
After you set your intention to dream, there are a few things you can do to enhance your abilities to dream, and in turn, develop your clairvoyant abilities!
dream tea

1. Prepare a Dream Tea

The main ingredient in bedtime tea to promote dreaming is Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris L.), which is an herb that has long been used to promote vivid, lucid, and prophetic dreams. I have used mugwort for this purpose and have experienced vivid and meaningful dreams. In addition to its use with dreams, mugwort is associated with developing psychic gifts in general, and is often burned before tuning in and using methods of divination or astral projection. Mugwort is considered a sacred herb of Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon, the hunt, and chastity, which gives it its scientific name. In addition to a Mugwort tea, I usually add chamomile, lavender, mint, lemon balm, or rose petals to the tea blend, and freely experiment with different mixtures.

Dream Tea Recipe

-1 part mugwort
-1 part chamomile
-1 part lemon balm
Directions: Place herbs in a pot of water, and bring close to a boil. Once bubbles start to reach the surface of the water, turn down the temperature, and allow the herbs to simmer for 20 minutes. When complete, take the herb and water mixture off the heat, and strain. Enjoy, and remember to record your dreams in the morning!

2. Make a Dream Pillow

Dream pillows have been used for centuries and historically, babies were often given small pillows filled with herbs to help calm them or to ease crying during the bedtime hours. When filled with a blend of specific herbs, you can experience a more peaceful sleep, but also, more vivid and meaningful dreams (and relief from nightmares!). The scent of the herbs in these dream pillows is not as strong as a potpourri, and promotes a peaceful and relaxing state of mind.
To make a dream pillow, I prefer to use organic cotton or muslin. You can make your own, find a small cotton sachet around the house, or purchase an organic fabric tea bag (available at most natural health stores). Generally, dream pillows are around 5 inches x 5 inches, but the size of your pillow will be unique to you. Begin filling your sachet with your own herbal mixture or fill it with my favorite recipe .

Dream Pillow Recipe

- 2 parts mugwort – promotes lucid dreams
- 1 part lavender flowers – eases stress, soothe, and relax
- 1 part rose petals – increases loving and peaceful thoughts
- 1 part chamomile – promotes relaxation and pleasant dreams
- 1 part hop flowers – aids in restful sleep and healing.
Optional Ingredients:
Lemon Balm – Reduces anxiety and insomnia, and relieves headaches and stress.
Mullein – Guards against nightmares.
Cedar & Rosemary – Repels bad dreams, but use sparingly due to the strong scent.
Directions: Combine all herbs in wooden or glass bowl and mix with a wooden spoon. Fill small dream pillows with herbal mixture and close. Note: Be sure not to overfill. The sachet should go unnoticed slipped inside the pillowcase. The herbs in the pillow will maintain their scent for several months and you may want to switch out the herbs a few times a year.

3. Sleep with Crystals

Crystals can be used to open to spiritual communication, connection with angels and spirit guides, and to enhance your natural clairvoyant and intuitive abilities. There are several crystals that are known to assist in promoting dreams, but also the ability to recall dreams. Try placing some of these stones in your dream pillow, under your pillow, or on your nightstand to promote dreaming.
  • Danburite
Danburite is a stone with a high energetic vibration and it is said to activate both higher levels of consciousness, improve your link to the spiritual and angelic realms. Placing Danburite under your pillow, or by your bed, at night is said to promote clear and easily understood dreams. It is a very useful stone for meditation as it is believed to allow you to access inner guidance. Danburite’s energy is very soothing and comforting. It is thought to encourage the release of anxiety, fear and grief and to bring feelings of serenity, calm and patience.
  • Herkimer Diamond
herkimer diamond, dream crystal 
Herkimer diamonds can be used for attunement and to bring harmony and clarity to a situation. They can also be used to release energy blocks and stress, and in this case, greatly enhance the clarity of dream recall. However, some people find that their dreams become so vivid, they feel they haven’t slept at all – due to all the dreaming! Thus, if you find this for you, try placing an Amethyst crystal with this stone to buffer the energy and promote a more restful state ;) .
  • Blue Kyanite
This stone is associated with the third eye and throat chakra, increasing clairvoyant abilities and creating better communication with self and your personal truth. Blue Kyanite also opens you up to spiritual honesty and energy, which aids in the recall of dreams. In addition, Blue Kyanite is helpful in stimulating healing and insightful dreams to promote a higher level of spiritual communication and truth.
By setting the intention to have more insightful and meaningful dreams, using the tools above, and recording the information that you receive, you are opening the gateway to not only improve your connection to spirit, but enhance your own clairvoyant and intuitive abilities. By working on developing your natural clairvoyant gifts, you will be able to obtain spiritual guidance more clearly, more frequently, and with greater accuracy.
With love,
Amanda is a clairvoyant psychic medium who was born with the natural ability to see, sense and hear spirits. She now offers readings that provide insight, guidance, and support from those in the spirit world! If you are interested in learning more about your natural spiritual gifts, connecting with a spirit guide, angel, or deceased loved one, consider scheduling a private mediumship reading.


miercuri, 4 septembrie 2013

Card for today-04.09.2013

Today we have to focus on giving love to everybody, unconditionaly, think of Mary Magdalene and her story, the fact that God forgives everything if you wish to change from the deep of your heart. And Archangel Gabriel is telling us to asume our leadership and guide others with love and care.
Go for it, you are a leader!!!

duminică, 1 septembrie 2013

Hello autumn!

Today is the first day if autumn so let's be kind and positive and make this month one of the best months of your life!