duminică, 27 octombrie 2013

Archangel Gabriel Relaxing Music

Thank you angels and Mother Mary!

Today it was such a beautiful autumn day. I wanted so much to help a child today but I just couldn't. I asked the angels for a sign and I asked Archangel Gabriel to help me out. He imediately brought to me the information I needed to proceed and so the child was happy and I was happy. Thank you Archangel Gabriel and my beloved Mother Mary for making this miracle possible.

joi, 24 octombrie 2013


Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, that in thy celestial apparitions on the mount of Tepeyac, thou didst promise to show thy compassion and pity towards all who, loving and trusting thee, seek thy help and call upon thee in their necessities and afflictions.
Thou didst promise to hearken to our supplications, to dry our tears and to give us consolation and relief. Never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession, either for the common welfare, or in personal anxieties, was left unaided.
Inspired with this confidence, we fly unto thee, O Mary, ever Virgin Mother of the True God! Though grieving under the weight of our sins, we come to prostrate ourselves in thy august presence, certain that thou wilt deign to fulfill thy merciful promises. We are full of hope that, standing beneath thy shadow and protection, nothing will trouble or afflict us, nor need we fear illness, or misfortune, or any other sorrow.
Thou hast decided to remain with us through thy admirable image, thou who art our Mother, our health and our life. Placing ourselves beneath thy maternal gaze and having recourse to thee in all our necessities we need do nothing more. O Holy Mother of God, despise not our petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer us. 

Card for today-24.10.2013

The answer to your question involves prayer.  You’re being guided to pray about the situation in order to elicit answers and assistance.  Your guardian angels pray with you, asking for Divine intervention to help you and your loved ones.

Your life purpose involves prayer as well.

Your entreaties are strong and powerful, and the world needs them.  Your guardian angels ask you to amplify the volume and rate of your supplications for this situation.  Prayer is extremely effective, so by engaging in this practice, you’re making a tremendous contribution.

Take time right now to stop and pray from your heart.  The words you use aren’t important compared to your sincere desire to connect with the Divine.  Be open to a response appearing different from your expectations—and know that your prayers are heard and answered.

joi, 17 octombrie 2013

Music for you

Funcţii pe care le îndeplineşte un înger păzitor

Prima şi cea mai evidentă  este aceea de protector, de păzitor.
Acatistul Îngerului păzitor se spune:

"Sfinte îngere, cel ce eşti ales de Domnul Dumnezeu spre paza sufletului meu, eu îndrăznesc să-ţi aduc cântări de laudă, iar tu, ca cel care ai îndrăzneala către Împăratul cerului, apără-mă de duşmanii văzuţi şi nevăzuţi, izbăveşte-mă de toate nevoile şi necazurile, ca să strig Ţie:

Bucură-te, înger al Domnului, neadormitul meu Păzitor,

Cel ce ai primit de la Dumnezeu poruncă şi putere ca să păzeşti sufletul meu;

Cel ce niciodată nu se depărtează de mine;

Cel ce mă fereşti de toată răutatea;" 


Weekly Flower Therapy Reading 14th - 20th October

miercuri, 9 octombrie 2013

Card for today 09.10.2013


This card features St. Hildegard of Bingen in the image. St. Hildegard was a young woman of very low self esteem. She was the 10th child born to her family and they counld not afford to raise her so she was sent to a convent to be raised. There she started having visions but lacked to the self-confidence to write them down. Eventually, she was urged by Spirit and friends to do so and it was discovered she had amazing talent. She also had great musical talent and would create musical chants for the convent to sing. St. Hildegard accomplished great things and became a Saint because she overcame her lack of self-confidence. Magical things happen when you believe!!!

marți, 8 octombrie 2013

Card for today 8.10.2013

This is a strong message for you to speak up and tell the truth.  Give any fears or worries about others’ possible reactions to God, St Bernadette, and your angels.  You can speak honestly in a loving way and still stay in integrity.  No matter how others react, you must give voice to the truth as you see it.  Heaven will protect you and will guide your words as you say them.
As you do so, some people will agree with you wholeheartedly – they have been waiting for someone to voice this information.  Yet, others may disagree with you.  Stick with what you believe, regardless of how people react.  You are a truth teller, and as long as you speak with love and conviction, you’ve got nothing to fear.

St Bernadette is a wonderful example of someone who followed this guidance, even when she was threatened with imprisonment for doing so.  At the age of 14, she had her first of 18 visions of the Blessed Mother Mary near her home in Lourdes, France.  Mother Mary instructed Bernadette to dig in the dirt, and the hole eventually became the healing springs of Lourdes.

While receiving these visions, the saint and her family were threatened and harassed by government officials, who accused her of lying and insanity.  Yet Bernadette consistently and politely spoke her truth.  Today, more than five million people annually visit the healing waters of Lourdes and benefit from Bernadette’s courage.”
Today was a wonderful day for me, as in the night I had a very beautiful dream about Mother Mary and a room full of icons ans flowers.
God Bless you!
Angel Blessings!

sâmbătă, 5 octombrie 2013

Card for today 5.10.2013

Divinatory meaning: Your angels are working with you to reduce the impact of stress. Pay close attention to your Divine guidance, such as thoughts or feelings about taking a rest, exercising, changing your routine, and avoiding conflict. You need to both reduce stress in your life and manage the way it’s affecting you.

To lessen this burden, you’ll need to be assertive with people an say no to unwanted requests. Don’t do anything out of guilt of obligation, and only engage in activities that you can perform out of loving service.

Avoid harsh environments, violent media, and negative relationships, and face any situations that are worrying you head-on. It’s better to make plans for dealing with problems, rather than deal with chronic worry by avoiding them.

Managing stress involves taking excellent care of yourself. This means exercising, getting outside in nature and consuming only healthful foods and beverages. Your angel also guides you to surround yourself with uplifting music, flowers and loving relationships (which can definitely include your pets). Give any cares or needs to your guardian angels, and ask them to help you receive Divine wisdom in dealing with any stressful matters. Your angels will also help you see the love and light within each situation so that your thoughts are peaceful.

joi, 3 octombrie 2013

Archangel Raphael

Raphael (Standard Hebrew רָפָאֵל, Rāfāʾēl, "It is God who heals", "God Heals", "God, Please Heal") is an archangel of Judaism and Christianity, who in the Judeo-Christian tradition performs all manners of healing. In Islam, Raphael is the same as Israfil. Raphael is mentioned in the Book of Tobit, which is accepted as canonical by Catholics, Orthodox, and some Anglo-Catholics, and as useful for public teaching by Lutherans and Anglicans.

The name of the angel Raphael appears only in the Deuterocanonical Book of Tobit. The Book of Tobit is considered canonical by Catholics, Orthodox, and some Anglicans. Raphael first appears disguised in human form as the travelling companion of Tobit's son, Tobiah (Greek: Τωβίας/Tobias), calling himself "Azarias the son of the great Ananias". During the course of the journey the archangel's protective influence is shown in many ways including the binding of a demon in the desert of upper Egypt. After returning and the healing the blind Tobit, Azarias makes himself known as "the angel Raphael, one of the seven, who stand before the Lord" Tobit 12:15.[2] He is often venerated and patronized as Saint Raphael the Archangel.

Regarding the healing powers attributed to Raphael,[3] we have his declaration to Tobit (Tobit, 12) that he was sent by the Lord to heal him of his blindness and to deliver Sarah, his future daughter-in-law, from the demon Asmodeus, who kills every man she marries on their wedding night before the marriage can be consummated.
In the New Testament, only the archangels Gabriel and Michael are mentioned by name (Luke 1:9-26; Jude 1:9). Later manuscripts of John 5:1-4 refer to the pool at Bethesda, where the multitude of the infirm lay awaiting the moving of the water, for "an angel of the Lord descended at certain times into the pond; and the water was moved. And he that went down first into the pond after the motion of the water was made whole of whatsoever infirmity he lay under". Because of the healing role assigned to Raphael, this particular angel is generally associated with the archangel.
Raphael is sometimes shown as standing atop a large fish or holding a caught fish at the end of a line. This is a reference to Book of Tobit (Tobias), where he told Tobias to catch a fish, and then uses the gallbladder to heal Tobit's eyes, and to drive away Asmodeus by burning the heart and liver.