miercuri, 21 august 2013

Goddess Kuan Yin

Kuan Yin is the Eastern Goddess who is said that hears all our prayers and is the essence of purity, nurturing love and gentle power. Kuan Yin is a bodhisattva, meaning that is is eligible for Buddhahood.
 Yet, she has vowed to stay near Earth until all beings are enlightened.This youthful and beautiful goddess helps all feel compassion and mercy toward ourselves and others. She is also a protectress of women and children, and she awakens musical interest and abilities as well as psychic clairovoyance.

Some people say that Kuan Yin is Mother Mary from the christian/catholic religion.It is said that Kuan Yin can heall all ill and she is also a goddess of fertility and is often showed holding a child-"The lady how brings children".She is showen holding a crystal vase pouring out waters of creation.Simply calling her name in the time of crisis is believed to grant deliverance.

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