Have you ever had the ability to dream ~ as a child, a teen or an adult?
If so,
Congratulations, you have clairvoyant abilities!
Dreaming is the #1 way that many people receive information from their
spirit guides and
deceased loved ones.
If fact, when I ‘shut off’ my own spiritual abilities during my teenage
years, I still had the ability to connect with spirit and maintained a
very active dream life. Dreams are often the naturally preferred method
spirit contact–
as most of us are already open to dreaming and not afraid of our own
dreams – especially when they bring realizations, insight, and
Since we are already open to dreaming, developing clairvoyant and
intuitive abilities in the dream state can enhance, fine tune, and
heighten your connection to yourself and to spirit . . . simply by
beginning to pay attention to your dreams!
Pay Attention to Symbols and Metaphors
Dreams often include symbolism and metaphors, and it’s easy to dispel
this information as invaluable – but it is! Each of us has a symbolic
and magical way of interpretation for the world, that is in the space
beyond the words, and lies in our subconscious and within the
consciousness’ of the Universe. During our dream state, we have full
access to our own personal magic, and our wonderful intuitive
clairvoyant abilities, which we can use to interpret the world.

key to unlocking YOUR dreams is to pay attention to the symbols and
metaphors. While consulting a dream book is often helpful, it is more
important to begin to notice when these images appear in your dreams and
then, align those images, symbols, and metaphors, with what is
happening in your life. Since spirit often communicates with us most
strongly in crisis or when we are facing a transition, it is important
to begin to notice dreams even in times when you feel unsettled and
confused – as the most important information may be coming to you in
those times. As you begin to keep track of recurring symbols and
metaphors, what was once a useless symbol, is now an indicator or
insight of a present situation or perhaps, a fair warning of something
that could happen in the future!
Paying attention to symbols and metaphors can not only provide you
with deep insight of your current situation, but also, help you develop a
method of dreaming called ‘precognition’. Precognition is the ability
to perceive things in your dreams that will occur in the future.
Begin to Journal and Record Your Dreams
When you start paying attention to your dreams (and your clairvoyant
intuition!), the spirit world begins to pay attention, too. Angels,
spirit guides and deceased loved ones often provide you with guidance,
powerful information, and even occasional visits in dreams! When you
begin to open the door to receptivity in the dream state, the spirit
world will often begin to provide you with even more frequency and
The best way to pay attention to your dreams is to record them
immediately upon waking – before getting up, making breakfast, or even
using the bathroom! Once you leave the bed, it’s very easy to forget the
images from the previous night, and you may begin loose the information
all together as you shift gears into the new day. While you can
interpret dreams upon waking and hash them out with friends, loved ones,
and family members – it is very hard to take note of patterns without a
record of your dreams over time. For example, if you keep seeing
yourself dying in a dream, but you’ve seen this same symbol during
several other periods of your life, it might be hard to know what this
symbol (death) may mean for you in the context of your life. Thus,
recording the details of the dream AND your current life challenges and
circumstances, is the best method of learning your personal metaphors
and symbols.
I suggest a journal that is specifically for dreams and the
information you receive in dreams. Often times, dream sequences can take
place over several nights of sleep, so even if it doesn’t make sense
that morning, give the images and the information time to unfold. Don’t
feel like writing anything down at 6:30am? How about typing up something
on the computer and emailing it to yourself? Or try using a voice
recorder? Try out a few of these methods of dream recording and find the
best method for you!
Set the Intention to Dream
Often times, if we want something to occur, all we have to do is set
the intention, and allow it to unfold. This is often the case with
dreams. Are you in a tough situation and want guidance to come to you in
your dreams? Simply say “I am open and willing to receive guidance and
wisdom in my dream state, readily available to me from my higher self,
guides, angels, and loved ones”.
Even if you don’t remember having a dream come morning, but have more
clarity and a better understanding of your situation the following
morning, you likely received information while in your sleep state.
After you set your intention to dream, there are a few things you can
do to enhance your abilities to dream, and in turn, develop your
clairvoyant abilities!
1. Prepare a Dream Tea
The main ingredient in bedtime tea to promote dreaming is Mugwort
(Artemisia vulgaris L.), which is an herb that has long been used to
promote vivid, lucid, and prophetic dreams. I have used mugwort for this
purpose and have experienced vivid and meaningful dreams. In addition
to its use with dreams, mugwort is associated with developing psychic
gifts in general, and is often burned before tuning in and using methods
of divination or astral projection. Mugwort is considered a sacred herb
of Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon, the hunt, and chastity,
which gives it its scientific name. In addition to a Mugwort tea, I
usually add chamomile, lavender, mint, lemon balm, or rose petals to the
tea blend, and freely experiment with different mixtures.
Dream Tea Recipe
-1 part mugwort
-1 part chamomile
-1 part lemon balm
Directions: Place herbs in a pot of water, and bring close to a boil.
Once bubbles start to reach the surface of the water, turn down the
temperature, and allow the herbs to simmer for 20 minutes. When
complete, take the herb and water mixture off the heat, and strain.
Enjoy, and remember to record your dreams in the morning!
2. Make a Dream Pillow
Dream pillows have been used for centuries and historically, babies
were often given small pillows filled with herbs to help calm them or to
ease crying during the bedtime hours. When filled with a blend of
specific herbs, you can experience a more peaceful sleep, but also, more
vivid and meaningful dreams (and relief from nightmares!). The scent of
the herbs in these dream pillows is not as strong as a potpourri, and
promotes a peaceful and relaxing state of mind.
To make a dream pillow, I prefer to use organic cotton or muslin. You
can make your own, find a small cotton sachet around the house, or
purchase an organic fabric tea bag (available at most natural health
stores). Generally, dream pillows are around 5 inches x 5 inches, but
the size of your pillow will be unique to you. Begin filling your sachet
with your own herbal mixture or fill it with my favorite recipe .
Dream Pillow Recipe
- 2 parts mugwort – promotes lucid dreams
- 1 part lavender flowers – eases stress, soothe, and relax
- 1 part rose petals – increases loving and peaceful thoughts
- 1 part chamomile – promotes relaxation and pleasant dreams
- 1 part hop flowers – aids in restful sleep and healing.
Optional Ingredients:
Lemon Balm – Reduces anxiety and insomnia, and relieves headaches and stress.
Mullein – Guards against nightmares.
Cedar & Rosemary – Repels bad dreams, but use sparingly due to the strong scent.
Directions: Combine all herbs in wooden or glass bowl and mix with a
wooden spoon. Fill small dream pillows with herbal mixture and close.
Note: Be sure not to overfill. The sachet should go unnoticed slipped
inside the pillowcase. The herbs in the pillow will maintain their scent
for several months and you may want to switch out the herbs a few times
a year.
3. Sleep with Crystals
Crystals can be used to open to spiritual communication, connection
with angels and spirit guides, and to enhance your natural clairvoyant
and intuitive abilities. There are several crystals that are known to
assist in promoting dreams, but also the ability to recall dreams. Try
placing some of these stones in your dream pillow, under your pillow, or
on your nightstand to promote dreaming.
Danburite is a stone with a high energetic vibration and it is said
to activate both higher levels of consciousness, improve your link to
the spiritual and angelic realms. Placing Danburite under your pillow,
or by your bed, at night is said to promote clear and easily understood
dreams. It is a very useful stone for meditation as it is believed to
allow you to access inner guidance. Danburite’s energy is very soothing
and comforting. It is thought to encourage the release of anxiety, fear
and grief and to bring feelings of serenity, calm and patience.
diamonds can be used for attunement and to bring harmony and clarity to
a situation. They can also be used to release energy blocks and stress,
and in this case, greatly enhance the clarity of dream recall. However,
some people find that their dreams become so vivid, they feel they
haven’t slept at all – due to all the dreaming! Thus, if you find this
for you, try placing an Amethyst crystal with this stone to buffer the
energy and promote a more restful state

stone is associated with the third eye and throat chakra, increasing
clairvoyant abilities and creating better communication with self and
your personal truth. Blue Kyanite also opens you up to spiritual honesty
and energy, which aids in the recall of dreams. In addition, Blue
Kyanite is helpful in stimulating healing and insightful dreams to
promote a higher level of spiritual communication and truth.
By setting the intention to have more insightful and meaningful
dreams, using the tools above, and recording the information that you
receive, you are opening the gateway to not only improve your connection
to spirit, but enhance your own clairvoyant and intuitive abilities. By
working on developing your natural clairvoyant gifts, you will be able
to obtain spiritual guidance more clearly, more frequently, and with
greater accuracy.
With love,
Amanda is a clairvoyant psychic medium who was born with the natural
ability to see, sense and hear spirits. She now offers readings that
provide insight, guidance, and support from those in the spirit world!
If you are interested in learning more about your natural spiritual
gifts, connecting with a spirit guide, angel, or deceased loved one,
consider scheduling a private mediumship reading.